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Lekali Basiphant
Secondary School

Shree Lekali Basiphant Secondary School is located in Namtar-1, Makwanpur, Nepal, 50 km north of Hetauda on Hetauda-Kathmandu Byroad. SLBSS has 18 main school buildings for secondary school and 1 primary school building. It is providing education to a total of 468 students. There are 40 orphan students who needed school supplies, fees, dress especially when everyone was busy taking care of themselves aftermath of the earthquake. Because of lack of the support, these 40 orphan students were unable to come to school for their academic programs. EAI founders and team provided necessary housing, supplies, etc to these students.

Team members with backpacks and items fo

We are planning to provide similar assistance to some students from this school for coming fiscal year as our continued support to them towards their education.

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