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Shree Ninglashainee Secondary School

Shree Ninglashainee Secondary School is located in Bhimdatta Municipality-18, Kanchanpur in Far West (Sudurpaschim) Province, Nepal. Kanchanpur is a district where majority of population is ethnic Tharu community and minor groups are the peoples that have migrated from the northern hilly region.  


School is providing education to a total of 428 students and almost 50% of the students are from the underprivileged communities as dalit/ Janjati. School was looking for support to setup school essentials as library, computer labs etc. EAI provided 15 computers to setup one resource center “EAI Resource Center” in the school that will have 15 work stations,projector and printer which will be used by students as well as community during off school hours. Computers were handed over  to the School Management Committee Chairman in March 2020.

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